Friday, June 8, 2012

painted lady

So having been watching 'Snog, Marry, Avoid' for ages now, I'm paranoid I wear too much makeup. I don't wear orange fake tan, extensions, and pounds and pounds of makeup like the girls on that show--but between that and girls getting kind of ripped on in internetland for wearing too much makeup (I am guilty of saying that shit) and especially wearing makeup and pretending they're not, I'm worried I probably wear too much. To make myself feel better, here is an unretouched picture of myself as I intend to go to work. This is how I look almost all the time. Nothing special, no extra makeup, no photoshop, nothing at all different from how I look any other day at work. Well, except that I tried a couple of new colours.

Awesome grainy webcam pictures and all.

So apart from the weird light (it looks kind yellow/green for some reason, maybe reflection off the trees outside my window or something?) and the fact that my eyes look brown instead of green like they actually are, that's pretty true to life. I feel like I probably wear a fuckton too much makeup. I'm wearing:

Tiny bit of tinted moisturizer and some powder. (I have foundation but haven't been wearing it lately.)

This light metallic pink creme blush/colour... thing... that I thought looked cool and decided to try. It smells like sugar cookies.

A bit of red/brown eyeshadow on my eyebrows because I plucked them too thin last time and also I don't want to look too conspicuously like I'm not a natural red.

Blue/green eyeshadow and white to highlight.

Dark brown eyeliner, mostly on top and just a little smudge on the bottom. Otherwise I look like a sleepless zombie.

A new lipgloss. It's silvery pink. The colour is called 'Fairy'. I literally picked it up just for that reason alone. Fuck yeah, fairies.

No mascara or anything, I didn't feel like it. I'm out of the clear stuff anyway and when I wear black or purple I tend to look like I have falsies on.

So that's all of it. Looking at that list it looks really excessively hugely long. Geezis christ, maybe I DO wear too much makeup.


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