Tuesday, June 12, 2012

...you'll do that??

I have to put this behind a cut because it's all basically a discussion of my sex life.

The Boything is so incredibly accommodating of pretty much anything that anyone wants to do to/with him, and especially willing to let me do just about anything I want, that he almost never says no to anything ever. I like knowing he isn't a pushover and can say no, so sometimes I'll ask him to do stuff I know he hates just so he'll say no to me. Sometimes this sort of goes awry, though. He says yes to things I never thought he'd be okay with.

Which is why he wears the dog collar. I was half-joking when I asked about it but his reply was an enthusiastic, 'Hell yeah!' I thought it'd be sexy and kinky if he wore it about but thought he'd just say no, or at most agree to wear it in private with just me. Instead he was totally all for it and wears it all the time. A couple of weeks ago he was with his friends and forgot to wear the collar and they thought it was weird that he didn't have it on.

And then there's the whole threesome business, which can be found in full in this entry here.

Of course, sometimes I surprise him. He knows I'm never at all offended or jealous by the fact that he finds other women attractive. I really quite like it, especially because we seem to have the same preferences. 'She's hot,' 'Yeah, you're right, she is!' So he's never at all bothered talking about the things he thinks or has thought about other women and at worst I'll just giggle at him--when it goes really well, I get all wound up. First of all, I'm after oral sex the way most guys are after blowjobs--I freaking love it and if I could I'd let someone do it all day. Lucky bitch I am, Boything loves doing it. If he could he'd live on it for a week and just not stop. I kinda think he likes it more than me. So it doesn't surprise me that this is his practice with women in general and he clearly had no problems telling me about it and wasn't the least bit concerned about what my reaction might be.

Which is that, when he fancies a woman, he imagines what she'll taste like. Like how other guys imagine what they look like naked or what freaky shit she might be into. The Boything imagines what licking her out would taste like.

I'm not sure what he was expecting to happen there, but I know he didn't expect what I actually said, which was that it was ludicrously sexy. If we get another girl into bed, first thing I want to do is watch him go down on her. He was not expecting me to be all wound up over it. He also didn't expect me to be all wound up because I realized he must have been wondering that about me for a long damn time.

This one surprised me a lot, though. From late last night.

Last night we were on Skype and quite frisky. When I get like that I tend to be bolder and much less inhibited than I am normally, so I asked him about something I really honestly did not think he'd want to do. I don't know any guys that do. I kinda do something like it, but I'm a bit of a freak and I'm perfectly aware of that fact.


I really like making out with guys who've just gone down on me. Their faces are wet and they smell and taste like me. Turns me right back on again. I seriously fucking love it. But I also know most people are really squeamish about that because they think the idea of ingesting their own sexual fluids is squicky. I guess I can kinda see that, but there's no difference between your own and someone else's. Guys especially are put off by that thought so I really honestly only mentioned this because I was all wound up and wondered how weirded out he'd be when I said it.

Which was if he'd lick me clean after he fucked me.

Of all the things I ever asked just so he'd refuse, I think that's the one I expected the least to get a positive reply from.

God fucking dammit. I love this man.

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