I don't know what it is, but I seem to have a knack for developing mysterious physical maladies that are painful and flare up frequently enough to be a bitch to deal with, but that aren't bad enough to really trigger any kind of medical panic on my end. Or if I do, they never seem to have a readily available explanation. Never mind my cough and my knees, let's talk about my indigestion.
Actually I'm reasonably sure this is a problem that, if not caused by, then definitely aggravated by eating irregularly or not enough. But it also comes when I'm otherwise totally fine, and it doesn't always come when I'm hungry. So I have no idea what it's all about.
But yeah, I get indigestion. It's anywhere from a mild burn to an intense searing pain in the back of my throat that feels distinctly like it's caused by acid or something--it's definitely nothing like a sore throat, but I don't know how to describe it. Sometimes it goes from my throat to my chest. When it's at its worst, it's so intensely bad it makes my ears hurt. Have you ever had an itch in your throat that almost feels like it's in your ears? Yeah, it's like that, except it's incredibly painful. I've asked a few doctors about this but no one has ever been able to give me a clear answer. Since it doesn't really disrupt my life, I'm not inclined to bother with it since I can control it with some regular OTC heartburn medicine.
But it's still a bitch.
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