Friday, January 6, 2012

the follies of youth

(16 Dec. 2011)

I know I like to rip on people for doing silly and weird things in the name of current fashion and fads--like getting plastic surgery to physically alter their bodies or wearing a head-full of other people's hair, or all those people who paid extortionate prices for Beanie Babies in 1995 thinking they would be worth millions one day--but I'm actually kind of a hypocrite.

Around the same time Beanie Babies were popular, another (but ultimately less rampant--adults never got caught up in this) was digital pets. Tomogatchi, Giga Pets, and Nano Pets were the most popular but at its peak there were probably a good dozen or so brands and even more individual 'types' of digital pet available. Schools are in the habit of barring students from bringing fad item to school--they did this recently with Silly Bandz and years ago with Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh cards--and my school was no different and prohibited children from bringing virtual pets to school. I was actually really upset about it, because I'd become quite attached to my little digital critters. Virtual pets required constant attention and would 'die' if their needs went unmet for long periods of time and I was pretty heartbroken that my T-rex (yeah, it was a dinosaur) would die of neglect while I was at school.

So--and this is embarrassing to admit--I actually offered to PAY MY MOTHER to look after it for me while I wasn't there.

Pretty silly, huh?

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