(30 Dec. 2011)
Okay, just a few things.
1. The word is 'addictive'. A-D-D-I-C-T-I-V-E. ADDICTIVE, MOTHERFUCKERS. Not 'addicting'. Addicting is indeed a word but it doesn't mean what you think it does. The word you want is 'addictive'. Use it. Or else.
2. COULDN'T. You COULDN'T care less. I couldn't care less. S/He, it, they COULDN'T care less. Not 'I could care less'. Do you ever stop and actually think about that one? I mean, ever? It makes approximately less than zero sense that way. It means 'on a scale of care to don't care there are things about which I might care less than your dog's new sweater'. Which is patently NOT the sentiment you want to communicate. I shouldn't care but this drives me crazy and always, always has.
1. The word is 'addictive'. A-D-D-I-C-T-I-V-E. ADDICTIVE, MOTHERFUCKERS. Not 'addicting'. Addicting is indeed a word but it doesn't mean what you think it does. The word you want is 'addictive'. Use it. Or else.
2. COULDN'T. You COULDN'T care less. I couldn't care less. S/He, it, they COULDN'T care less. Not 'I could care less'. Do you ever stop and actually think about that one? I mean, ever? It makes approximately less than zero sense that way. It means 'on a scale of care to don't care there are things about which I might care less than your dog's new sweater'. Which is patently NOT the sentiment you want to communicate. I shouldn't care but this drives me crazy and always, always has.
3. The words are: could've, should've, would've. They are contractions of the words could, should, and would and the world have. They are not 'could of', 'should of', or 'would of'. No seriously, they're not. I don't care how you think it is--and every time someone uses 'of' instead of '-'ve', god kills a kitten.
If people don't start rewiring their lexeme, I might actually have no other option here but to buy a large-calibur automatic weapon.
If people don't start rewiring their lexeme, I might actually have no other option here but to buy a large-calibur automatic weapon.
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