'Embarrassing' is pretty subjective. Personally I don't feel embarrassed about losing my balance, tripping, or suffering some other public side-effect of my body's complete lack of equilibrium. But other people would abandon their entire lives and become a hermit living under a dumpster for the same reason. Whether or not you feel humiliation at your own actions or the actions of others is largely due to your own self of self-consciousness and disposition.
And sometimes something is in such universally poor taste it's objectively embarrassing, or at the very least is extremely awkward. Especially when someone is doing something really stupid without having any idea just how bad they look.
Case in point: my grandfather has been bald since time immemorial. He never had a toupee and left his combover in the 70s. He's never really cared about not having hair, which is why it made no sense for him to purchase a visor with a shitty hairpiece attached to it like this one. (As far as realism goes the hair is like the fur on a stuffed animal. It's about as real as a hooker's tits.) And he wears it around without a hint of irony. He's not wearing it to be silly--he's wearing it because he thinks it looks good. And he wears it in embarrassingly inappropriate places--like to his 58-year high school reunion and to a Vietnam pilot reunion.
I cannot stress enough that he had no idea how bad it looked. He was doing it because he thought it looked nice, not because he was trying to get a laugh. He was genuinely confused when his wife and I begged him to stop wearing it. He didn't realize how stupid it was.
I'm glad to report that the visor went 'missing' some time ago.
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