Friday, January 6, 2012

the Random Memory Archives

(11 Dec, 2011)

Except for 'core' classes that everyone had to take every year (like English and math and foreign language), my old high school didn't have all that many teachers. The entire art department had just three, the music department four, theatre and journalism only one each. So if you took the same elective subjects repeatedly (as most people did), you tended to end up getting the same few teachers over and over, and so got to know them pretty well. I took photography and ceramics and had the same teacher in each every semester for three years. (While I had a genuine interest in pursuing art, the bigger reason I kept taking ceramics was because I had a huge crush on the teacher.)

Anyway. By the time I was a senior I knew them pretty well and they knew me and we all had a pretty friendly rapport, rendering those 'getting to know you' forms we were required to fill out at the start of every semester pretty redundant. We already knew each other, after all.

So when my ceramics teacher gave us the forms to fill out, I wrote that my name was Zula, Queen of the Dandelion People.

I get very silly when I get bored of something, but fortunately she had a sense of humour. She also called me 'Zula' for the first two weeks of class. I'm sure the rest of the students had no idea what was going on.

No idea what made me remember that.

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