Tuesday, January 10, 2012

picking up bad habits

Say what you like about kids playing video games. I don't care what you think of them or what kind of violent, inappropriate, or anti-social behaviours you worry they're going to learn from playing them. I don't seriously think any kid with half a functioning brain is going to have a poor enough grasp of reality to try and emulate running down hookers and slicing people in half with swords.

There's really only one video game behaviour I really worry about seeping into the real world.

I'm afraid kids are going to think it's completely acceptable to walk into stranger's houses, go through all their personal belongings, and take their valuables. That's been a common feature of video games since Zelda and if there's any one thing kids might mistakenly pick up, it's probably that.

Murder I can deal with. I just don't want people going through my shit.

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